Revolutionary NFT Music Marketplace

Addressing The Struggles of Unheard Artists

Setting the Stage

Headquartered in the dynamic heart of Los Angeles, CA, the client is a pioneering force in the music industry. At the confluence of technology and artistry, the client's mission is to empower both fans and musicians by leveraging advanced blockchain to establish a transparent, secure, and vibrant music ecosystem. With a strong emphasis on transparent royalty distributions and exceptional user experiences, Antier's engagement in developing the NFT music marketplace significantly transcended traditional development efforts.
What we did
NFT Marketplace
Smart Contract Audit Report
User Experience Design

The Call for Transformation

The music industry has historically been dominated by well-established entities, imposing significant barriers for emerging artists seeking recognition and sustainable careers. This persistent challenge necessitated an innovative and transformative solution. Finay emerged with a visionary approach to create an inclusive platform where underrepresented artists can flourish. 

To address the paramount need for secure and transparent transactions, Finay leverages cutting-edge blockchain, establishing an immutable ledger of ownership for all NFTs traded on the platform. This sophisticated technological framework ensures unparalleled trust and transparency, empowering artists and fans to engage with confidence, thereby cultivating a more equitable and dynamic music ecosystem.

Vision Behind Finay

Recognizing the client’s visionary goal to create an equitable platform for unrecognized artists, Antier initiated an exhaustive ideation process to engineer a customized solution specifically designed to their requirements. We identified that Finay required a platform that not only showcased talent but also ensured secure and transparent transactions. With these objectives in focus, Antier embarked on a precisely planned, technologically advanced collaborative journey.

Our team of experts focused on resolving the dual challenges of artist empowerment and transaction security. By leveraging our extensive expertise in blockchain, UI/UX design, and smart contract development, we engineered a solution that seamlessly aligns with the client’s vision. The result was Finay—a vibrant NFT music marketplace where musicians can prosper and fans can engage with confidence, supported by a robust technological infrastructure.

NFT Marketplace

Artists can mint and sell their music as NFTs and unlock new revenue streams. 

Fiat-Friendly Transactions

Event Integration

Music reviews

Advanced Search and Filtering

Intuitive UI/UX

An intuitive interface ensures a smooth user experience for all individuals.

User-friendly interface

Responsive design

Intuitive artist profiles

Secure Smart Contracts

Rigorously audited for secure, transparent, and immutable NFT ownership.

Robust smart contracts

Rigorous security audit

Regular updates and maintenance

Social Media Integration

A vibrant social space for music discovery with facilitated interaction.

Timelines and updates

Artist profiles

Community forums and chat

Technologies Powering Finay

The seamless and innovative experience of Finay is underpinned by a robust and sophisticated tech stack. This ideal blend of technologies not only ensures a seamless and efficient platform but also positions Finay at the forefront of the music NFT marketplace.
Token Standard

ERC 1155








Smart Contract


Storage system





SumSub KYC

Support System

Ticket raising system

Key Differentiators

Blueprint of Impeccability

Initiating this journey, Antier precisely charted a course that began with exhaustive market research and stakeholder consultations, laying a robust foundation for development. Utilizing an agile methodology, including sprints, stand-ups, and retrospectives, Antier cultivated a dynamic and collaborative environment where cross-functional teams operated in unison to develop a platform characterized by its intuitive UI/UX design and robust technical architecture. Each phase of the NFT music marketplace development was marked by rigorous smart contract audits and extensive testing, ensuring unparalleled security and functionality. Strategic alliances with leading music labels and artists amplified Finay’s market presence, while continuous iterations, sprint reviews, and a relentless commitment to quality assurance ensured a flawless user experience.
Spearheading Finay's NFT music marketplace demanded relentless innovation and seamless blockchain integration, ensuring unmatched scalability and security. Through advanced smart contract architecture and rigorous gas fee optimization, we deliver a flawless user experience. This journey stands as a testament to the powerful fusion of visionary creativity and technical prowess, setting a new benchmark in the digital music industry.

Karan Bhai

Head of Business Intelligence and Operations

The Gas Fee Enigma Solved

Finay has skillfully addressed the intricate gas fee challenge, a common impediment in blockchain ecosystems. By strategically integrating Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solutions—most notably Polygon and Optimistic Rollups—Finay has fundamentally transformed the landscape, offering artists and collectors an accessible and cost-efficient platform. By drastically reducing transaction costs for minting and trading music NFTs, Finay not only removes financial barriers but also accelerates transaction speeds, delivering a seamless and efficient user experience. The platform employs sophisticated smart contract optimization techniques, further decreasing gas consumption and ensuring heightened cost-efficiency. Crucially, Finay's pioneering fee-sharing model distributes the benefits of reduced costs across its user base and stakeholders, fostering a community-driven ethos and democratizing access to the vibrant music NFT marketplace.

Prominent Features

Rewarding Talent with Royalty Programs

Echoes from the Field

All I can say is working with Antier has been a blessing. Before, we had a lot of issues with development. We just couldn't find the right fit. We went through various different development firms and freelance developers, and they just couldn't help build out what I had in mind, my vision. After meeting with Antier, they guaranteed that I would be happy by the end of the project. And I am. We're nearing the end, and I could never be more happy. I would recommend Antier to any individual or any company looking for a diligent, hardworking, and respectable firm.

Abhi Manapragada

CEO, Finay

Future Crescendo

Finay is positioned to revolutionize the music NFT landscape, encapsulating a strategic vision characterized by innovation, inclusivity, and sustainable progress. As the forefront leader in digital music distribution, Finay sets its trajectory towards expansive horizons, prioritizing the amplification of artistic voices through an enhanced and comprehensive royalty program. Through strategic alliances and community partnerships, Finay envisions a rich network of collaborative initiatives, elevating the music industry to unparalleled levels of accessibility and engagement. Committed to environmental stewardship and social responsibility, Finay advances towards a greener future, pioneering sustainable blockchain solutions while championing causes that resonate with its core values.

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